
Diablo 2 bow amazon build
Diablo 2 bow amazon build

diablo 2 bow amazon build

Your Valkyrie and Mercenary will make quick friends, as they tank, acting as your front line. This makes for what many believe to be the Bowazon golden rule: a Valkyrie is a Bowazon’s best friend. There is no mob nor PK that will allow you to stand there happily dishing out arrows. The overall gameplay strategies, and items to finish this Amazon build, just like your skills, are all up to you! Bowazon Gameplay Strategyįirst Opinion: Remember a Bowazon standing still is pumping out DPS. The suggested skills to max aren’t set in stone, but are arguably the most effective. Use this guide as base and custom fit it to your play style, since there are numerous iterations of the Bowazon build and each is finished with different skills and equipment.īelow is a skill overview that goes over each skill tree. This D2 Bowazon guide is here to help you navigate the “Bow and Crossbow” skill tree and beyond.

Diablo 2 bow amazon build